In our current lifestyle, toxins gradually accumulate in the body causing the disease to restore the body’s natural balance while eliminating toxins and strengthening the immune system. Ayurvedic massage, ; Panchakarma treatment is the solution. It is a unique
Benefits Of Ayurvedic Treatment For Children
A child’s health has to be monitored and maintained with the next natural ingredients that nature can offer you. For this, one of the most beneficial lifestyles that children of any age can adopt is Ayurveda. In fact, if you
Body Slimming Programme
Ayurvedic slimming methods don’t suggest starving or suppressing appetite.Fat reduction is achieved through balancing the metabolic activities in the body (especially fat metabolism) by applying herbal massage using herbal lipolyses subcutaneous fat deposits and also tones the muscles.The programme
Bursitis is a painful condition that affects the small fluid filled sac called Bursae.Bursae are fluid filled sacs that acts as a cushion between bones,tendons ,joints and muscles.when these sacs become inflamed it is called bursitis. The most common locations for
Summer Special-Face and skin care
In Ayurveda,Rtu charya (seasonal regimen ) is specifically designed for each and every season to stay healthy .The summer season ( Grishma rtu) brings reduction of strength in persons due to the sharp rays of sun and the dry wind.Even
Tennis elbow (lateral epicondyles)and Golfer’s elbow, (medial epicondylitis) is a painful condition of the elbow caused by overuse.It is a type of tendinitis,swelling of the tendons that causes pain in the elbow and arm.Tennis elbow is an inflammation of the